Importance of post workout supplements


Importance of post workout supplements

Importance of post workout supplements.

Whether you are exercising to build strength and muscle or just doing endurance training, exercise tears down old, less adapted muscles and rebuilds more functional muscles. This is significant because during the rebuilding process is where your body needs the right amount of nutrients in order to get the most out of your workout. In all types of exercises the body uses carbohydrates for energy; therefore a post-workout meal must include carbohydrates to refill the muscle. But the key is any type or amount of carbs will not do. You need to consume enough carbohydrates to promote a substantial insulin release. Insulin is the hormone responsible for shuttling carbohydrates and amino acids into the muscle. In doing this, carbs resynthesize is enhanced and protein balance becomes positive, leading to fast repair of the muscle tissue. Also since muscle protein is degraded during workouts, the addition of a large amount of protein to your post exercise meal is necessary to help rebuild the structural aspects of the muscle. Research has shown that anywhere from .2g to .4 g of protein per 1 pound of body weight is the best and most effective way of adding protein to your post workout meal. While your post workout meal should be rich in protein and carbs this meal should be FAT FREE, eating fat can actually decrease the success of your post workout meal. Eating fat during the post workout period may slow the digestion and absorption of carbs and proteins. Post workout meals that are the most effective are shakes that include protein and carbs. Also the best window of opportunity to get the protein and carbs in your body is no more than 1 hour after a workout. If you wait any longer glycogen replenishment and protein repair will be compromised. So right after a workout is the best time to consume a post workout drink.

In my opinion the best protein and carb powders are:

Optimum- Platinum Hydrowhey

Now- Waxy Maize


To get more information about post workout supplements and importance of nutrition for pre and post workouts please contact body by Solomos at 847-757-5467 or email at


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